코린이의 기록

[chart.js] Config example 본문


[chart.js] Config example

코린이예요 2019. 11. 13. 16:02

Config Options

myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'doughnut',
        data: {

        options: {
       	        // 여기에 들어갈 옵션들

Responsive Charts

Name Type Default Description
responsive boolean true 값이 true이면 chart의 canvas size를 resizing할 수있다. 
` number 0 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate to new size after a resize event.
maintainAspectRatio boolean true Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing.
aspectRatio number 2 Canvas aspect ratio (i.e. width / height, a value of 1 representing a square canvas). Note that this option is ignored if the height is explicitly defined either as attribute or via the style.
onResize function null Called when a resize occurs. Gets passed two arguments: the chart instance and the new size.

responsive: true

responsive: false


demo ↓


Doughnut & Pie

Name Type Default Description
cutoutPercentage number 50 - for doughnut, 0 - for pie 차트 가운데를 자르는 비율. (0이면 pie에 가깝고 50이면 도넛에 가까움.)
rotation number -0.5 * Math.PI chart의 시작점
circumference number 2 * Math.PI Sweep to allow arcs to cover. 
animation.animateRotate boolean true true이면 chart가 회전하면서 display됨.
animation.animateScale boolean false true이면 chart 크기가 커지면서 display됨.






1. cutoutPercentage 

options: {
	cutoutPercentage: 60,


cutoutPercentage : 0 (파이모양)

cutoutPercentage : 60 (도넛모양)


2. rotation

options: {
	rotation: 50,

rotation: default (-0.5 * Math.path)

rotation : 50

3. circumference

options: {
	circumference: 6,

circumference : default (2 * Math.PI)

circumference : 6 

4. animation.animateRotate & animation.animateRotate

options: {
    animation: {
        animateScale: true,
      	animateRotate: true





Reference : https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/
